This article provides information on how khổng lồ use the Windows 7 USB/DVD download Tool to install Microsoft Office ISO"s.
Issues installing ISO files
An ISO tệp tin is an image of a CD/DVD, with all the files on the CD/DVD compressed into one single file. Windows isn"t able to mở cửa and read this file type natively. You would need an additional application khổng lồ either read và extract the file, or lớn burn it directly lớn a CD/DVD lớn be accessed from the disc.
You may experience issues when installing ISO files, for instance when installing Microsoft"s Office 2013 OEM version
, or when installing an ISO tệp tin from MSDN or TechNet. The Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool provides a quick & easy way to download the ISO file & install it directly from your system.NOTE: does not directly tư vấn the installation or use of the Windows 7 USB/DVD tải về tool. The Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool has been recognized as a good resource for installing Office 2013 ISO files from Microsoft. This article is meant lớn provide our customers with basic guidelines on how khổng lồ utilize the Windows 7 USB/DVD tải về tool for this specific issue.
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Using the Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool khổng lồ install Office ISO"s
While the tool was written specifically to work with Windows 7 ISO files from Microsoft, you can also use the tool lớn install the Office 2013 ISO files by following the steps below:
1. Download the Windows 7 USB/DVD tải về tool from the Microsoft Store
2. You will see the following icon on your desktop when the tải về is complete:
3. Insert a USB flash drive (4GB or larger) into a USB port on your system.
4. Go to Start, click on Computer, và right-click the icon for that flash drive. Then select Format and choose Quick Format from the Format options:
5. Be aware that formatting the flash drive will erase all data on the drive. Click OK to accept the warning that appears khổng lồ proceed with the format:
6. Then click on Browse and go khổng lồ the location of the ISO file. Click Next :
7. On the screen to Choose media Type, select USB device:
8. Then use the dropdown menu khổng lồ choose your formatted USB flash drive và press Begin copying:
9. You will now see it copying the ISO file over, which may take a few minutes:
10. Bootable USB device created successfully will appear when the process completes. We will not be booting to the drive to install Office from the ISO. Instead, go lớn Start>Computer & browse lớn the USB flash drive. The orange Office biệu tượng công ty will be the new icon for this USB flash drive:
11. Once in the USB flash drive thư mục click the setup application (which also has the Office icon). The Office 2013 install will now begin:
NOTE: You will be prompted for either a Windows account login or the hàng hóa Key for the Office 2013 program once the install is complete. You will need to enter this information for full access khổng lồ the program.
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